Liv Jones from Result Based Training

You might remember a little while ago I shared with you a piece on RBT Gyms and the retreats they offer overseas in Bali. It was heaven and hell on earth. Heaven for the venue and location, Hell for the training that was going to kick your body back into action… let’s be honest it’s Hell but amazingly good hell! Sweating up a storm, detoxing and restoring the body.
Founded by Travis Jones, and working alongside wife, Liv Jones, Result Based Training has been a fast-growing business over the past seven years. It has come a long way since Jones opened his first South Melbourne location back in 2011.
Trav and Liv have killed it in the fitness industry in Australia. Yes, like any company they have had there ups and downs in business and success. 2018, sees RBT Gyms take over the industry, becoming a $10 million dollar business as of February 2018.
Go, team, GO!
Women in business are one of my favourite interviews to do. I love meeting the woman who is standing strong and killing it! I love to chat and see how they balance life. I know I do struggle with balance and I’m sure I’m not the only one. Over the years I have learnt a lot from other women and this is why I love these kinds of interviews. I think we can all learn from other women. It’s not a competition, it’s about coming together and sharing. Liv’s strength, being a businesswoman, a wife, a mother, a friend and a mentor is a juggling act, I’m sure of it.
Liv makes it look extremely easy from the outside!
Meet Liv Jones.
Tell me, how would you describe yourself in three words?
Stubborn, Nurturing, Driven. My husband would laugh at me if I didn’t write Stubborn.
So you’re a mother of two kids, and along with your husband Travis you run Result Based Training gyms, Think Tank, Attain Digital and even a NFP, If Not Now Then When, what is your secret to being able to “do” it all while having two young children and how do you achieve balance?
Enjoying the chaos is the main thing, and sticking to a routine as much as possible. Obviously, our lifestyle isn’t conventional, but Travis and I are a team, we communicate, we goal set so we understand each other’s priorities, we have clear family and work time. It hasn’t always been easy, but every day we work towards something bigger, this is a legacy.
When you do have a rare moment to yourself, what is your favourite “me” time activity?
It’s hard not to giggle at this at the moment, as we do have a little bubba, so “me” time isn’t really a luxury I have at the moment. But that being said, there is light at the end of the newborn tunnel now. I do try to get to the gym 3-4 days a week, and I believe a great blow wave fixes everything. So those are the 2 main things that are “me” time.
What is your favourite fitness accessory and athletic brand right now?
I have so many, this is tough. My fitness accessory – Lifting Shoes… I love them, and now that I am regaining strength after bubs #2 I look forward to lacing those babies back up.
Athletic brand, well anything with colour, I like my gym gear to make me smile, especially at 6 am when you have had nil sleep haha.
I guess my favourite would have to be Tully Lou… I love a good crop top.
What is one secret skill or trick you have that people wouldn’t know about you?
I have a few up my sleeve, a good woman is always a little mysterious, but few people know I grew up riding horses.
What has been the best piece of business advice you’ve been given that has been imperative to your success?
My Dad always said you learn nothing from success only from failure, so that was always instrumental for me in business. Neither Travis nor I are afraid to fail, and I guess that is why we are not afraid to reach so high.
What do you find is one common misconception about women in business with children and how have you overcome this?
That we are bad mothers I think is the most common one. Luckily, I have amazing friends and family, but there have been a few suggestions that I should be more focused on my children and less on business. Nothing I really let bother me, but I know it’s something Mum’s in the business world have to grapple with a lot, and it’s tough because Mum’s suffer a lot of guilt naturally, we don’t need anyone’s help there.
Apart from being a Director, Marketing Director and Small Business Coach, you’re also known as “Nigella of the Gym”, how did you get that name and what is your favourite sneaky treat or comfort food?
I love Nigella, I love how she approaches food and entertaining, feeding the family, I guess very early I fell in love with the idea of the Domestic Goddess. I think cooking for family and friends is inherently feminine and nurturing, for me that is… I don’t mean for this to become a social commentary. Nigella of the Gyms, was a joke from the family who knew of my mini obsession with Nigella and a love of making food “fit” for the gym. So for as long as RBT has existed, I have been creating meals that I love and making them “fit” my nutrition.
My favourite comfort food would be my Low Fat Chocolate Souffle. I love soufflés in general, if there is a soufflé on a menu… I will ordering it.
What are your top 5 local hot-spots and eateries in Melbourne?
Our local area isn’t the best for food and hot spots, plus Trav and I are creatures of habit so our hot spot getaways extend to Friday night Date Night.
Harry and Frankie’s on Bay Street, wines are always good, super friendly, and their tapas are delish
Café 84 on Bridport Street, the café where everyone knows your name and coffee order.
Railway club on Raglan Street, best steak in Melbourne
DOC Albert park, great pizzas and easy with the kids
Din Tai Fung Melbourne CBD, kid-friendly and dumplings are always a good idea.
What is your New Year’s resolutions or goals and what is next for Liv Jones in 2018?
Trav and I are big goal setters, this year we are using the Focus diary. So, my Annual Goals are split across Personal, Health and Business. Personally, a big one is getting some more education in, a minimum 1 book a month rule, plus a girls night each month. Health, pre-baby body, I want to hit 15% body fat as my 1st quarter health goal and Business, well there are a few but this year we will open 18 new clubs in Australia, so 2018 will see 32 RBTs nationally.
What advice would you give someone to help them keep on track with their 2018 fitness resolutions or goals?
Write your goals down. There is so much research that shows the act of writing your goals increases your commitment to the goal, and hence increases the likelihood of achieving the stated goal. Make your goals Specific and time-bound, only then can you break your big goals down into “action steps”, then track, track, track. Accountability is everything!
Thank you, Liv for taking time to share some killer tips we can all do this 2018!
If you are looking to change your health goals this 2018. Head over to RBT Gyms!
KB x