Who is Spell And The Gypsy Collective? The story began when two sisters joined each other in the idyllic beachside town of Byron Bay, Australia, to continue a journey they’d started together many moons ago, […]
Inspiring women
If Australia had a Kris Jenner her name would be Roxy Jacenko. We all know how hard Kris Jenner works for the Kardashian Empire, well Roxy Jacenko is the PR mogul building that Empire day […]
You might remember a little while ago I shared with you a piece on RBT Gyms and the retreats they offer overseas in Bali. It was heaven and hell on earth. Heaven for the venue […]
Dr. Jane Goodall. Today, I heard Dr Jane Goodall speak at Business Chicks and I was completely blown away by her story. Her Hope she has for the future, Her love for our earth, animals and humanity. […]